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Powerbuilder.NET, Expression Blend, Mobility and the Cloud

Powerbuilder.NET, Expression Blend, Mobility and the Cloud

Date: Thursday October 13th 2011 at 12:00pm EST (New York) / 18:00 CET (Paris)

The capital architect program is a tool to calculate a financial planning for weathy individuals. A formerly rather dull Excel program has been converted to an attractive professional tool, available anywhere anytime, on almost any platform. (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Windows and more...). How did we achieve this? PowerBuilder.NET!
The result is a tool able to simulate and analyze certain financial situations on a "what if" basis. Users can create a projection of their financial situation in any given year, taking into account parameters including interest rates and real estate. This session will show you how this mobility solution was achieved using PowerBuilder.NET, MS Expression Blend and Cloud.

Presenter: Dimitri Joosten and Peter Loozen




Click here to see the recorded webinar
