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PowerBuilder applications on mobile devices

Wednesday, July 13, 2016. 8:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) / 17H00 PM CET (Paris).

Dw-eXtreme develops presentation components based on the Powerbuilder datawindow control. These components use the presentation capabilities of the datawindow control to create complex graphical display components that not only allow you to view data in graphical formats but to interact with the data as well. These presentation components work on all types of mobile devices (ipads, mobile phones etc.)

Presenter: Buck Woolley

Click here to see the recorded webinar



Wednesday, July 15, 2015. 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) / 18H00 CET ( Paris)

Ryan Story will explore the process of developing, configuring, and deploying a legacy PowerBuilder app with Appeon Mobile that uses Mobilink/Ultralite technology to provide a consistent offline user experience. In addition, he will discuss other techniques to make applications match current mobile app design practices and provide the user a seamless experience. 

Presenter: Ryan Story 

Click here to see the recorded webinar

January 27, 2014 - at 6:00 PM CET (Paris) 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles)

With the ever increasing drive to bring business applications to mobile users, and with the imminent release of Appeon Mobile version 2.0, it's important for PowerBuilder developers to jump on the wave and use their PowerBuilder skills to lead the way to application mobility.

In this webcast, SAP Mentor Yakov Werde will show you an elegant technique to extend an Appeon Mobile app's reach by using standard PowerScript objects together with custom URL schemes to integrate with other popular on-device apps.

Presenter: Yakov Werde


Click here to see the recorded webinar


How to Develop Mobile Apps with Appeon Mobile

Thursday, April 4, 2013 
8:00am PST (Los Angeles) / 17:00 CET (Paris)

This live Webcast will walk you through the process of configuring, developing, and deploying your mobile project with Appeon Mobile for PowerBuilder. You will learn how to configure your application target, configure application server connection cache, identify PowerBuilder features unsupported on mobile devices, and deploy your application as a native mobile app on an iPad or iPhone. This will be followed by a Q&A session at the end. This session is highly recommended for those considering or planning on using Appeon Mobile to develop cross-OS native mobile apps.

If you'd like to sign up for the Appeon Mobile Beta program, click here

Presenter: Armeen Mazda


Click here to see the recorded webinar

Costruire apps iOS con PowerBuilder? E' semplice con Appeon Mobile!

Monday, February 25, 2013
7:00am PST (Los Angeles) / 16:00 CET (Rome)

Il lancio di Appeon Mobile rende finalmente concreto lo sviluppo mobile di applicativi PowerBuilder, in maniera semplice e veloce, e senza la necessità di fare ricorso ad ulteriori tecnologie.
Con Appeon Mobile si sfruttano i propri skills Powerbuilder, con le sofisticate caratteristiche di gestione dati che gli appartengono, per costruire apps complete e "data centriche" deployabili su qualsiasi dispositivo mobile dotato di sistema operativo iOS, Android, Windows Phone ecc.
Il webcast illustra le principali caratteristiche di questa tecnologia rivoluzionaria per lo sviluppo di soluzioni aziendali mobile, evidenziando inoltre le diverse possibilità che Appeon Mobile offre nella realizzazione di interfacce "user friendly", nonchè le problematiche connesse. Il tutto mostrando una app iOS esemplificativa, realizzata con PowerBuilder e Appeon Mobile, denominata: Genepesca Retail Solution.

Presenter: Luca Ferrante



Click here to see the recorded webinar


Appeon Mobile - Live Demo!

Thursday, November 8, 2012
9:00am PST (Los Angeles) / 18:00 CET (Paris)

Want to use PowerBuilder to build apps for iPad, iPhone, Android, and other mobile devices? This presentation shows you how to leverage SAP Sybase PowerBuilder to rapidly build native mobile applications that will run on virtually any device or OS.
Learn about:
• Mobile SDK integration.
• Offline data access.
• Application provisioning and distribution.
Get answers to all your pressing technical questions, have a chance to register for the beta program, and learn about the product roadmap in this informative session.

Presenter: Armeen Mazda



Click here to see the recorded webinar

