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Creating and Consuming Web Services Based on SQL Queries in PowerBuilder

Creating and Consuming Web Services Based on SQL Queries in PowerBuilder

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
10:00am PST (Los Angeles) / 18:00 CET (Paris)

Unlike direct connections to the database, Web services can be managed and secured outside of an application and used by any Website or client/server, Web, or mobile application. An SAP Sybase PowerBuilder application then can use Web services to return data sets as data sources of the application’s DataWindows. This facilitates the incorporation of PowerBuilder applications and Web services into a cloud computing environment. This session explains and demonstrates how to:

• Build a data store based on a chosen query and structure that can be used for constructing Web service output.
• Create a class (NVO) as a wrapper of a Web service with the necessary “Get_...()” functions that populate arrays of structures from respective data store(s).
• Deploy a created Web service to an IIS Web server including the creation of a WSDL file.
• Create a DataWindow with a Web service as a data source.
• Choose a proper Web service and find its desired method (“Get_...()” function).
• Select a proper parameter from the chosen Web service method and finalize the created DataWindow to solve hidden problems with the string data type.

Presenter: George Mikhailovsky

Find the code for the presentation here.


Click here to see the recorded webinar

